A leader in pet groomer training for over 40 years!

Dog Grooming Entrance Requirements

JKL Entrance Info

Dog Grooming Entrance Info  


Academic Calendar

As all JKL courses are in the distance learning format, potential students may apply to enroll at any time throughout the calendar year.  

Admission Requirements

  1. Minimum age 19 years, or if under, the signature of parent or legal guardian.

  2. Grade 12, or if no grade 12, at least one year out of school qualifies as mature student status.

  3. The ability and the willingness to follow instructions (education competency in reading and communication skills in the English language), as well as the physical capability to complete all course requirements.

  4. The ability to work independently.

Attendance, Conduct and Dismissal

  1. Self study lessons must be completed within the scheduled timeframe for the particular program chosen.

  2. All lesson tests and supervised examinations must be completed.

  3. All contractual financial obligations must be met within the scheduled timeframe for the particular program chosen.

  4. Academy rules must be strictly adhered to, and an environment of mutual respect prevail.

Student Dispute Resolution Policy

Should a student find themselves in conflict or difficulty that is of a non-academic or non-monetary nature, dispute resolution procedures are as follows:

  1. A written submission of the conflict or difficulty should be made to your instructor.

  2. Your instructor will review all relevant material and conduct any necessary investigations.

  3. Your instructor will provide a written decision, together with the reasons for it within a reasonable timeframe

Non Discrimination Policy

JKL Training Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or sexual orientation in its education program, admissions policies, employment policies, and other school-administered programs.

All JKL tuitions include a 10% non-refundable  registration fee. 
